To install all you need to do is edit the config.php like
Open Database
Close Database
New Record Sheet
Delete Record Sheet
Edit Record
Add Record
Delete Record
Writing Record
List Sheets
View Sheet
Open Database
Function: mydb/open(Database , Username , Password);
Requires: include("");
Description: Opens a database with username and password. Requires to be included
Close Database
Function: mydb/close(Database);
Requires: include("");
Description: Closes a database. Requires to be included.
New Record Sheet
Function: mydb/newsheet(Database , SheetName);
Requires: include("");
Description: Makes a new record sheet in the current database.
Returns: $ret will return "created"
Delete Record Sheet
Function: mydb/delsheet(Database , SheetName);
Requires: include("");
Description: Deletes a record sheet in a current database.
Returns: $ret will return "deleted"
Edit Record
Function: mydb/editrec(Database , RecordSheet , OldVal1 , String);
Requires: include("");
You MUST specify the OldVal1 which is the first value in the collum. It was what used to be there.
Description: Edit a record in a record sheet.
Add Record
Function: mydb/addrec(Database , RecordSheet , String);
Requires: include("");
Description: Add a record to a record sheet
Delete Record
Function: mydb/delrec(Database , RecordSheet , Val1 , String);
Requires: include("");
You must specify the Val1 which is the first value in the collum.
Description: Delete a record from a record sheet
Writing Record
Function: mydb/writesheet(Database , Recordsheet , String);
Requires: include("");
Description: Write to a record sheet (overwrites everything)
List Sheets
Function: mydb/listsheet(Database);
Requires: include("");
Description: Lists all sheets to $list as an array. Note ignore the .db after every one.
Returns: $list will return it as an array
View Sheet
Function: mydb/openrec(Database , Sheet);
Requires: include("");
Description: View a sheet.
Returns: $return will return it as an array