XML Module
This will show you how to make your XML Module file. This can be read with the
soon coming MOD4XML2HTML stylesheet we are developing. You need to create a
file in your module directory called: module.xml You will need to
uploaded it to a website so it is accssable by anyone.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-1.0"> <package> <module> <name>Put your module name here</name> <description>Put a description about the module here</description> <email>Email address of the admin</email> <url>URL of developer</url> <version>Version Number</version> <mod4ver>What version of MYdb (eg: mydbphp beta 0.1 (lite)</mod4ver> </module> <developers> <admin>Admin of module</admin> <member>Member of module (add as many as you need to</member> </developers> <changelog>Changelog of the latest version</changelog> </package>