
To create database do the following:
  • Create a file called lists.txt
  • To add data sheet you will need to add a record to lists.txt like so:
  • Create a file called index.file
  • Put the following into the file:
    //index.file TEMPLATE
    $dbname = "";
    $dbauthor = "";
    $datecreated = "";
    $uname[1] = "";  
    $upass[1] = ""; 
    $uname[2] = "";  
    $upass[2] = "";
    [big][b]ERROR:[/b][/big] You have reached this page because you are trying to access
    the data. The data cannot be retrieved.[sub]GO AWAY[/sub]

    Please replace the []'s with Tag signs (Except for the ones inside the PHP Block. eg: $uname[1]
    $dbname is the database name , $dbauthor is the database author and $datecreated is the date when the db was created
    For protection Username is $uname and Password is $upass. Add more like so: $uname[3] = "??" and $uname[4] = "XY"
  • Make sheet files as .db files
  • Each db has 10 collums and unlimited rows. You must have spaces between each record and you MUST NOT leave out all 10 collums
  • Take all of the files and make them into a .gz file. Then rename it to be [file].mydb